Saturday, July 7, 2012

Comical Quotes (2)

Comical Quotes is a new weekly meme. You can find out more about it by clicking here.

“Looks like nobody’s home,” Puck said, turning in a slow circle. “Hellooooooooo? Anybody here?”
“Be quiet, Goodfellow,” Ash growled, peering into the shadows with narrowed eyes. “We’re not alone.”
“Yeah? How do you figure that, prince? I don’t see anyone.”
“The cait sith has disappeared.”
“ … Crap.”

The Iron Queen - Julie Kagawa

GAH! My room is haunted! And not just haunted by any old run-of-the-mill ghost-oh no, my ghost is an underwear pervert!

The Year My Life Went Down The Loo - Katie Maxwell

"Did you just call me Unibrow?"
"If the unibrow fits, wear it," I told the computer
He shook his head and left the library, muttering things about blood tests and paternity lawsuits. I ignored him, of course

The Year My Life Went Down The Loo - Katie Maxwell

1 comment:

  1. haha! I like the one in the iron fey series on the top! :)
